Tag Archives: comprehension

Improve Logic This School Year in 3 Steps

What to do with a concrete thinker? You know, the person that only knows exactly what you say, not necessarily what you mean?

I once had a client whose mom told me the following story: Her daughter was walking out the door, and she said “It’s Cold outside”, to which her daughter said “OK Mom” before continuing to walk out the door. The daughter thought the mom was informing her of the weather, when actually the mom meant that she should put on a sweater! This is common with a concrete thinker – one who has not yet developed deductive reasoning or good logic skills.

Academically you see this child having troubles with translating word problems into the appropriate math equations. They may also have troubles with reading comprehension. If the comprehension question mirrors the language in the text, the child may be able to find the appropriate text and fill in the blank. But understanding the text and being able to manipulate language surrounding it is difficult. Once metaphors and similes are added into text, such as in 4th grade novels, the child is completely lost.

The good news is that this skill can be improved! However, for the cognitive skill of logic and reasoning to be most efficiently and effectively remediated, there are some necessary steps.

  1. First of all, we need to go back to the first year of life where this particular cognitive skill should have been developed. It is not as though suddenly this child could no longer understand deductively. Instead, this connection in the brain was never created. So the first step is to create it. Through working with clients over the last 15 years, I’ve found that giving simple exercises to work through a very early stage of development, the Moro Reflex, that children start to get there. This is called “integrating” the reflex. The exercises are short and simple, take about 15 minutes a day, and need to be done every day for about a month in order to stick.

To learn more about the Moro Reflex and the exercise, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ4K9sw7by8. You can purchase Maintaining Brains Everyday DVD or download at http://www.pyramidofpotential.com/products-for-parents/ for only $34.95 and get even more done for the brain and body.

  1. The next step is to play games that help with logic and reasoning. My favorite beginning card game is Blink which can be purchased online or at toy stores. Another wonderful card game, which is a little more difficult, is Set. There is a challenging on-line version, but you can modify the card game for beginners. Also, look on-line or at toy stores.
  2. Beyond simple card games is more direct teaching of this. I have very successfully used the logic workbooks from mindware.com. Any and all are good – each workbook is progressively more difficult. Start with workbooks that are well below grade level and work your way up. I especially love their Logic Links workbook or box.

When working with a child to improve these skills suing the card games or the workbooks, you must do them every day for at least 30 days, and work at a challenging level. If it is too easy, you are not creating new connections. If it is too hard, frustration builds up and the child gives up. Always stop before the tears start.

Finally, there are programs that have been created that have the full directions given to you so you don’t have to figure out how to correctly create your own interventions: PACE, Equipping Minds Workbook (http://www.pyramidofpotential.com/products-for-parents/ ), and BrainWare Safari. I have used them all and recommend them highly. The best part about using these – many other skills are strengthened too: processing speed, all kinds of memory, reading skills and attention.

Or you can hire a brain coach. Take a look at www.brainadvancementteam.com to see if there is a coach near you. If not, perhaps you want to be a coach. You can work with your own children while completing the program, then if you want, you can coach others. The next class begins October 1, and if you sign up before August 31, there is $50 off the registration fee.

If you get started now, you will probably see some improvement before September is over. So, have fun!